Learning & Development

Learning Objectives:

  • introduce participants to the psychology of black-and-white thinking

  • Interoception 101 - Learn to sense internal bodily states — including breathing, temperature, and emotions.

    Logistics: Capped at 50 people, delivered virtually;

    HW: Participants encouraged to start Whatsapp group with daily log-ins of 3-min breathwork.

LV1: Sprint (90-Min)

Lv 2: Masterclass (Full-Day)

Learning Objectives:

  • Participants learn about the neurobiology of scarcity mindsets & abundance mindsets

  • Vagus nerve download 101 - Participants learn to track nervous system responses to threat (fight, flight, freeze, etc)

  • Participants learn neural activities to co-regulate during periods of stress and tension.

Logistics: Capped at 25 people, delivered in-person.

HW: Participants encouraged to keep up at least 2 of the practices daily.

SUPERDOPE! (Online Course)

Logistics: Online, 2-month course

Have you ever wondered why certain pop songs are so stirring? Why some literature is timeless? Why some movies just seem to wake us up? It’s because they celebrate the human condition. In the Theory of Enchantment foundational course, you’ll learn to celebrate your own.

Executive Coaching

Executive staff and leadership teams can choose this if they are seeking personalized coaching with Chloé in the Theory of Enchantment framework. Programs can be as short as 6 weeks and as long as 2 years.

Logistics: One-on-One w/ Chloé

LV 3: Bootcamp (6 weeks)

Learning Objectives:

  • Habit formation - teams incorporate the neural practices into the flow of their work.

Logistics: 6 week program, virtual, requires completion of Masterclass to access. We meet every other week for 90-minute sessions to practice together. Participants must design a system to incorporate new habits into their work flow for their final project. Certificate of Achievement given upon completion.

Keynote (90 -min)

Logistics: 1-hour to 90 min program, in person

Chloé has delivered hundreds of keynotes, lectures, and talks at universities, synagogues, and more around the world and would be happy to deliver a message of love and compassion to your community!

Wanna Just Talk?

Many people want to discuss philosophy, the arts and politics with me and maybe that’s you!

I’ve created an offering for us to do just that!